Sunday, February 17, 2013

Egg It On

Day 38:

21 min elliptical, something around 20 min treadmill, light stretching

Shake for breakfast + pumpkin chai tea latte

Outfit of the Day:

I had a 30 min massage upon arriving at work today. It was looooooooooong overdue.

Between the massage and (mostly) from switching things up at the gym, not to mention working out 5 days in a row (not that that's uncommon), I feel beat up. I need to force myself to take a long, hot bath tonight. Meanwhile, I'm attempting to load up on water. Always key after a massage to help flush out released toxins. I should also probably foam roll my hips/glutes (tmi?), which will hurt like a bitch.

I didn't feel hungry at ALL until randomly around 2:45 I started feeling starving. I had a salad: organic romaine, organic carrots, strawberries, red pepper, avocado, and pistachios topped with a salmon burger patty. Lemon juice & evoo for dressing. I used to hate homemade salads for lunch, but lately they've been good, which makes me happy to know I'm getting more veggies in.

For dessert I finished off the single-serving package of chocolate hazelnut butter

For a small snack I had 2 clementines + a green tea with coconut milk--ready for dinner! Just a couple more hours...


Dinner sucked. The omelet I planned on turned more into a scramble, which is ok, but I used whole eggs to do a true test and I hate scrambled yolks! Egg whites all the way. I put in diced chicken sausages + tons of daiya (cheddar with a lil mozzerella). I KNEW I hated one of the daiya's when I first tried it when it came out a few years ago, but I thought it was the mozzerella. Since I liked that recently, I thought I was in the clear. Nope. It was cheddar. Ughhh so gross. I choked it all down anyway with some delicious sweet potatoes dipped in organic ketchup. So at least there was that.

For dessert I had 1 last bite of of Hail Merry vanilla coconut tart. My Dad warmed his up slightly every time he had it and RAVED. Meh. It was good, but cold=better, imo.

I did take my hot bath, but I don't think it really helped. At least I got to read more about Taylor Armstrong's dysfunctional, abusive marriage. I felt like a peeping Tom reading the detailed stories she exposed from her past. What a life.

(No, I didn't foam roll. Wuss!)

Day 39:

We're almost in the single digits of this diet ending, people! Amazing.

For breakfast I made protein waffles with protein apple topping. They weren't as good as I thought they'd be, but I still liked them. I also had a runny egg on the side. Overall still a winner.

Plus my new obsession of cinnamon/stevia frothed almond milk coffee (vanilla coffee this time). So freaking good, I want to swim in that foam, mouth-open. Awkward.

For lunch I made a shrimp/tuna stir fry with brown rice noodles and veggies (dressed in coconut aminos & sriracha). It was ok. The shrimp had stupid veins again, so I threw a lot of those away. Unacceptable!!

I planned to switch up dinner and not be held hostage by the routine of grass fed burger friday (not that they aren't delicious, but very repetative!), but my mom had some ground beef (grass fed, of course) about to go bad, sooooooo burgers it was. I had mine open faced on a gluten free eng muffin. I wasn't too hungry and felt kinda lazy, so I just had a couple clementines for my side(s) and a little Zevia root beer.

For dessert I made my beloved healthy almond/sunbutter cookies again. My Dad still wasn't satisfied with the frosting last time when I thought I had perfected it, ugh. This time he LOVED it, but it got more on the plate than the cookies. Still truckin' for a solution...

Day 40:

For breakfast I made peppered turkey bacon, cereal with almond milk (half honey rice puffins half some superfood buckwheat thing) with strawberries & a tea latte.

As I sat down to eat, my brother came over  to surprise me, so we could catch up on our tv shows together and just to hang out. I made him "cheese" (daiya) eggs and reluctantly gave him my third piece of bacon (ok. I ate about 1/3 of it. But I gave him some! It was my last piece!)

For lunch I made a little brown rice spaghetti with grass fed beef and peas. Random combo, but tasty. I need to eat more vegetables.

My Dad and brother went to the gym, but I had woken up with horrible body pain and just then started to feel better, so I didn't want to push it.

After the gym, Ryan (my brother) came back over to try my famous cookies. He HATED them. WTF. He thought they were some of the worst cookies he's ever had. And he usually loves my cookies. Ah well, his loss! :-P. I looooove them. Even my mom thinks they're good and she's the pickiest eater alive. Whatevs.

For dinner I made some organic chicken drumsticks doused in hot sauce with kabocha squash topped with cinnamon.

Dessert was the second cookie from earlier.

Day 41:

For breakkie I had a buckwheat bowl topped with cashew butter and a tea latte. I didn't know when we were going to lunch and couldn't wait any longer to eat. Of course,  I KNEW I shouldn't have eaten it when I did. My dad and brother wanted to leave like an hour later. Whoops. We compromised and ate like 2-2.5 hours later and juuuust made the lunch cut off.

We had a living social hibachi coupon to use up. I always let them use the hibachi coup and I go for the sushi! Or in this case, a sashimi bento and green tea. They forgot my soup (but doubled up my salad? lol), but it was miso aka soy-based anyway, so I didn't say anything. I know I had a little wheat and soy in the tempura/salad dressing/edamame/soy sauce :-x, but since I've already tested those, whatever. It was worth it and I didn't react at all. *shrug*

After running into Aldi on the way to our respective homes, my dad and I bought some dark chocolates and took 1 square of each to taste test. His tasted better, but mine was healthier lol.

For dinner I just felt like a big ole plate of sweet potato fries. So that's what I had. But at the grocery store I  bought a HUGE bag of kale on sale for $1.29 (!!), so I also added a lil side of sauteed kale and onion for greenery.  Plus iced tea (my mom got a drink with her to-go meal but didn't want one)

+ a lil more dark chocolate and a raw macaroon. And another tea latte.

Day 42:

I went 39 min on the elliptical. I didn't feel like working out, so I told myself if I went I could just go slow, but I actually burned more calories than usual somehow. Also did light stretching, but duh to that.

I really wanted pancakes. I would have liked to been able to use egg whites and make more of a coconut pancake-pancake, not dense oatmeally pancakes, but dense texture and chia egg-egg was fine too. I made pumpkin protein pancakes topped with protein berry jam and almond butter. Plus a tea latte: my new thing, apparently.

Our phones and internet were down at work today. We were told they were down 2 days. What a nightmare. And they kept asking me if we received their calls with info about the outage. Do they hear themselves? THE PHONES WERE DOWN, no we didn't receive your calls. *hits head*

For lunch I made a massaged kale salad with olive oil and lemon juice plus blueberries, pomegranate arils, topped with a salmon burger and a little avocado. I got tired of eating kale once I finished the other ingredients and left some behind.. I don't think I massaged it well enough. But it was fine.

For a snack (really should have been dinner time, but I worked 'til almost 8 pm. UGH), I had a brown rice wrap with half a serving of raw pecan butter and a diced apple.

Dinner wasn't until 9:30 or so (!). I made baked and seasoned chicken finger/nugget things dipped in tj's hot & sweet mustard (eff the lil bits of soybean oil and sugar, I wanted it) with more sweet potato fries and ketchup.

Choccie for dessert. IDK what is up with my red hands lately.

I keep cheating a lil, I know, but just with small amounts of foods that were already tested. Introducing the dairy tomorrow--last reintroduction. Hallelujah!


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