Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Memorial Day

Like I said yesterday, I had to work today. But, I didn't start until almost 11 and went out for an hour lunch midday, so that was nice. I couldn't even get myself out of bed until 9:40, which is usually about the time I'm supposed to leave. Guess it was good luck that today that was (sort of) okay.

For a quick breakfast I finished up the last of the Lucky's breakfast and also added in an english muffin topped with vegan "butter" and lingonberry jam. I also had hot water with lemon squeezed in. I always mean to have this every morning, but rarely do for some reason.

Luckily this held me over for far, far longer than I anticipated, as lunch was delayed until 2:00.

On the way to the office I picked up a venti iced coffee with soy (no sweetener, though I did add a wee bit of my own stevia after awhile).

We decided to use one of our groupons for one of our fave (but slightly pricey for lunch at full price) Mediterranean buffets. I always fill up my plate with 80-90% vegetables, but it still always gets a little out of hand.

I cannot tell a lie. About 5 or so of those creamers may have made their way into my purse.  I can't convince myself it's okay to buy that faux cream product, but if I happen to pocket a few I can't very well let them go to waste, now can I? It only makes sense. (Also: the first beverage pictured is unsweetened iced tea, just fyi).

 Soo yeah. Aside from that center pictured dessert bite which was not my thing, I ate pretty much everything and more. 

Even good buffets (or should I say especially good buffets) are evil, evil things!  I have to say everything was extra good today too. And SO SO busy, even though we went at an odd hour. Hopefully that means they won't be closing anytime soon! (And will continue to pump out Groupon offers!)

I was full for the rest of the day and night, but I promised to grill when I got home, so grill I did. I only had a sample plate, though. I likely would not have even had that, but I spent a lot of time and energy making everything, so I wanted to see how it turned out. 

Before, during, and after, I also kept the sangria I made last night flowing.

It was slightly too citrusy and oddly not strong at all, but it was good enough to drink!

Steak with mushrooms & half of a small sweet potato with a pinch of whipped butter & a shake of cinnamon

For dessert I finished off the last of the chocolate cake, unpictured.

Happy Memorial Day all. And a special thank you to all of the men and women for your service.


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