Slept at 1 am, woke up at 12:30 pm. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME? I knew I should have set an alarm.
Needless to say, I didn't go to work. Ugh! I was going to either work from home or do a little winter cleaning. But. I didn't. Ugh x 2.
-green carrot cake pancakes (oats, pinch of wheat germ, pinch of flax seed, egg whites, stevia, raisins, matchstick carrots, half a banana, vanilla vega sport protein powder...hence why it's green) topped with pumpkin cream cheese & coconut butter
-iced hazelnut coffee with unsweetened vanilla almond milk + chocolate stevia

Not as good as I imagined it, but oh well. At least I discovered mini pancakes are much easier to cook than normal sized ones. And they're cuter, so it's win-win. Must remember from now on!
Somebody wanted in on the green pancake action:

LOL shot:

-2 (realllly good) Whiskey Sours (made with lemon juice & simple syrup, no chemical sweet 'n sour here!)
-small fish dish with tomatoes & risotto (verryy good)
-a few french fries (good)
-part of a salad with a fried egg on top + ranch (veryy good)

Tried out this new restaurant, Whiskey Cake. FINALLY. Been trying to get there forever. And I still owe my aunt a trip there, actually. The portions were much smaller than anticipated (hence the added shared salad at the end), but everything was seriously good. Color me impressed. My neck and shoulders were very tight and sore, so I figured a couple drinks might help loosen them up. That, and how can I go to a Whiskey named restaurant and not try their namesake? (OK, OK, so that really is a whiskey cake, but close enough). Great choice. My only faux-plaint is that the salad was supposed to come with thick cut bacon. It came with more like little bacon bits and only a few of those. Perfect for me as I hate bacon. But kind of defeats the description. Plus, y'know, calling it the bacon and egg salad. But I digress.

On the way out I grabbed a handful of candy (!!!! screw mints, caaaaandy! lol)
I had....
-2 bite size cherry laffy taffy's
-1 root beer hard candy

-chai hot tea mixed with a drop or two of english toffee stevia + a little unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Then, I was too full. Fail.
-50 min treadmill @ home =-o
Mostly walking, but still. Speed walking! :)
Body Bugg Stats:
Calories Burned: 2,134
Steps Taken: 7,082
December 30
-chest & back weights
-overnite pumpkin yogurt oats

Sleepy head needed her breakfast too!

Pretty Pretty Princess

Who knew you could be a tabloid junkie before age 2????

LOL, she loves looking at the pics of all the teen moms babies.
Lunch time!

Somebody was hoping she'd drop a few things (which she probably did, lol)

-sweet potato fries with ketchup
-salad (organic mixed greens, matchstick carrots, cousin was out of salad dressing, so I improvised, as I packed my own lunch but not dressing. doh)
-leftover lobster ravioli with light alfredo

Then we were all POOPED. Kendyll fell asleep with her feet hanging out of her crib, hahaha

I dozed off briefly too. What is with me and sleep?! Well, to be fair, I did barely sleep the nite before. But you'd think I was fully stocked from the previous two, sheesh.
-about 1/3 of an apple
-maple almond butter
-1 mini mini orange


Ran a couple quick errands & then met my coworker/friend for dinner & drinks
-cup of tortilla soup
-1 shrimp taco + the side salad thang
-2 sangrias

It didn't feel like a longer than usual dinner, but it turned out we were there nearly 3 hours. Wow.
Did good on water again today (even though our waiter never refilled mine at dinner). Score!
-banana soft serve topped with chocolate almond butter

I don't really like regular almond butter as I've mentioned before, but for some reason I LOVE the chocolate variety. Yummmm.
Workout 2:
-45 min walking a la home treadmill
Body Bugg Stats:
Calories Burned: 2,475
Steps Taken: 11,882