Sunday, December 12, 2010

First Christmas Party of the Year

Dec 11

-banana chocolate chip protein pancakes topped with a drizzle of peanut butter, pumpkin butter, & maple syrup
-iced hazelnut coffee with unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Made the pancakes on my new griddle. Which is awesome. Best $18 purchase ever. Or, this week at least :). I bet it makes awesome fried eggs.

The pancake recipe I found made 4 pancakes (not sure if that's what the recipe anticipated, but that's how many the ingredients made for me...altho I did add about 1-2 tbsps extra oatmeal than the recipe called for). I managed to get through about 2.5. Prob could have stopped at 2. The whole thing was supposed to only be 1 serving, so this is one filling recipe!

-side salad with ranch
-roasted chicken topped with pearl onions & mushrooms served with mashed potatoes, red peppers, and snap peas with a little gravy on top
-half a small slice of cheesecake
-coffee with english toffee stevia (with the cheesecake)
-water (with the salad)
-iced tea (with the meal...they kept bringing out diff drinks at diff times lol)

Dinner was at a fancy hotel for a colleague's office Christmas party (not our office, but our offices work together). Good thing I eat meat & most dairy now because we didn't have an option for anything. But it was all very good. And perfect portions. I turned down the bread, but otherwise I had everything. I REALLY wanted a glass or two of champagne, but this crowd isn't really a drinking crowd. My how different that is from our office, LOL. :-x. They did have a cash bar, two actually, but I literally only saw one guy with a beer, so I decided to sit it out this party. Guess I'll have to make up for it at our own party next weekend :-P.

With all that caffeine I just hope I can sleep tonite!! I have GOT to get my ass to a gym. I've just been too tired (and staying up too late...) to make it lately. But that is NOT ok!

-green monster in a bowl topped with a small sprinkle of chia seeds + cut up grapes

LOL how radioactive it looks with a flash

If anything it was actually slightly too sweet, but still pretty divine. Even though my dad told me it looked like diarrhea (ugh tmi, but if I had to hear it while I was eating it, you can handle reading about it, right? LOL).

Party Outfit:

But it was cold-ish out, so...

Body Bugg Stats:

Calories Burned:
Steps Taken: 6,056


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