Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Birthday Eve

April 19

workout 1:

-30 minutes treadmill intervals (run 1 min, walk 1 min)

-sprouted english muffin with vegan butter & huckleberry jam (so good)

-The last 1.5 large falafel balls (we have really got to get some non-chinese packet condiments for the office fridge...kinda dry without any, but still pretty good)
-the last piece of thin pita
-20 oz skinny immune builder smoothie (took all afternoon to drink)
-vanilla rooibos tea

Smoothie King sells the carrot cake clif bars!!! I bought 2 for now. Good to know. Yum.

-glass of white wine
-2 slices of pizza (no cheese + mushrooms, sliced tomato, kalamata olives, & tons of fresh basil)
-a little less than half of a small sorbet (lemon, grapefruit, and pineapple) (unpictured, sorry)

x 2

-another slice of pizza

I swear most places I'm fine with 2 small-ish pieces of pizza, but I always need 3 of their (large) ones. I don't get it! Although I usually start to feel sick by the end of the 3rd lol. This time I took about a 30+ min break in between plus had no cheese, so 3 was perfect.

workout 2:

-30 more minute treadmill...mostly running =-o.

I jumped on the treadmill in my street clothes and no shoes planning to walk a few minutes to get my 10,000 steps in for the day (I was at 8,500), but ended up staying on and running. My feet felt a little raw lol, but it was a good workout!

-the last cheese-less slice of pizza

No, I'm not kidding. OINK. Happy Birthday-Eve to me? LOL. Ugh. I was hungry and being compulsive over the last slice. I asked them to only not put cheese on 1/3 of the pizza (3 slices), but somehow 4 ended up being cheese free and when I got hungry again of course that's what I wanted!

I didn't feel sickly full after, but I (finally) did feel blech. Too much yeast, I think. Or maybe gluten? I've been doing pretty well on gluten, but an overload can't be good. It's supposed to be hard to digest even without an intolerance and all that.


Gotta live up my youth, tomorrow I officially become an old lady.




  1. huckleberry! whaaat.. i wonder what that tastes like!

  2. I think it may just be a Montana thing (Missoula, Montana specifically), because I've never seen it anywhere else. It's really good though! Kinda sorta like blackberry but lighter and a little sweeter?
