Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fiber One Review & Giveaway

I was provided a package from General Mills via MyBlogSpark

Your prize pack will contain the same items I received:
-1 box of Fiber One 90 Calorie Chocolate Chewy Bars
-1 chic black cosmetic case
-1 pop-out hair brush
-1 compact mirror
-1 tin of mints

I've been a fan of Fiber One bars ever since they came out. They're surprisingly filling, likely because of the fiber (5 g per bar), despite being fairly small. It helps that they taste like a dessert, but only have 5 grams of sugar. And that's especially low, since one side of the bar is coated in a chocolate shell. On the downside, they do contain a lot of ingredients, some I'm not a fan of, but as an occasional treat I can overlook that. They're also a good, quick way to get in a little sustenance before a workout without weighing yourself down.

Want to try for yourself? (Hint: the answer is yes)

To enter, just leave a comment below telling me your favorite bar (any kind).

For extra entries why not throw in the usual?

1. Follow Moi
2. Add me to twitter @ManoloMandi (maybe that will convince me to actually use it!)
3. Subscribe to me on Youtube (I plan to hopefully start videos again soon....)

Blah Blah Blah. :)

Let's end this thing before I go out of town, so get your entries in by Wednesday evening, k? K.

Good Luck!



  1. My fave bar is Clif bars, but I like a smaller portion bar like Fiber Ones for snacks.

  2. I like Nature Valley bars

  3. follow blog as jelaws5
