Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Food and Drink Survey

Stolen from my friend Jenny

1. How do you like your eggs?
over medium or in an egg-white omelet with lots of veggies and either a little feta or a little cream cheese

2. How do you take your coffee/tea?
strong & black coffee, tea I'll drink about any way except sweetened (though a touch of honey is OK when sick or sweet ice tea maybe 2-3 times a year)

3. Favorite breakfast food?
egg white omelets, banana bread french toast, or hemp oatmeal with a tablespoon of cashew butter mixed in

4. Peanut butter: Smooth or crunchy?
I used to be vehemently anti-crunch, but now I'd say my preference is about 60% creamy/40% crunchy

5. What kind of dressing on your salad?
ranch, vinaigrette, oil and vinegar (mostly vinegar), plain lemon juice, homemade concotions (current fave combo is olive oil, lemon juice, and either a drizzle of honey or a drizzle of agave nectar), once in awhile I crave french, or sometimes I just add a little salsa or a little cottage cheese and forgo any dressing

6. Coke or Pepsi?
I'm not a soda person, but a handful of times a year I crave a fountain Coke

7. You’re feeling lazy, what do you make?
faux chicken parm sandwich with morningstar farm herb'n'chikn or half of a (ok, ok sometimes 3/4 or even all of) kashi spinach and mushroom thin crust pizza

8. You’re feeling really lazy. What kind of pizza do you order?
I don't really like most delivery pizza, but if I have to: thin crust (whole wheat if available) with half the cheese, double the sauce, and lots of veggies (preferably mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes, and green olives...& artichoke hearts if they have them!)

9. You feel like cooking. What do you make?
I'll make pretty much anything. Just about anything you can make with lean ground turkey (pasta, tacos, meatloaf, sloppy joes), lemon, artichoke, and caper chicken, any kind of fish with veggies, pork tenderloin, greek salad, various soups (usually with some combo involving chicken broth, a little chicken, and tons of veggies), and so on

10. Do any foods bring back good memories?
not good memories exactly, but my mom's chicken n dumplings are the best in the world even tho they're the most simple and always make us happy when she makes them

11. Do any foods bring back bad memories?
I don't think so

12. Do any foods remind you of someone?

13. Is there a food you refuse to eat?
bacon & sausage about 95% of the time. I'll try a little here and there, but I hate them. (their veggie/soy-based counterparts, however, are fine)

14. What was your favorite food as a child?
I'd say probably kraft mac n cheese. Yep, blue box blues

15. Is there a food that you hated as a child but now like?
steak, mushrooms

16. Is there a food that you liked as a child but now hate?
I don't think so

17. Favorite fruit and vegetable?
fruit: I love ALL fruits, but fave is probably mango, closely followed by pineapple. I haven't been in a mango mood lately tho, which is weird b/c usually I can't get enough. OH and I am currently OBSESSED with pluots. And organic strawberries.
vegetable: spinach! I love (or at least tolerate) most veggies too tho (still hate beets, but I'm slowly working on it)

18. Favorite junk food?
salt & vinegar kettle chips, vegan cookies, gelato from pacuigo, cupcakes

19. Favorite between meal snack?
fruit, raw veggies with ranch and/or salsa, veggies and pretzel crisps with lemon hummus

20. Do you have any weird food habits?
probably tons. For example, sometimes I go through phases with one particular food and I have to eat it all the time (daily, even), but after the craving subsides I don't eat it again for YEARS (see: cherry poptarts, lol)

21. You’re on a diet. What food(s) do you fill up on?
diets are lame. The only thing they're good for is short-term weight loss for a specific event. For the long term why bother? If it's a short-term diet, then fruits and veggies, and anything with the most fiber for a reasonably low amount of calories

22. You’re off your diet. Now what would you like?

23. How spicy do you order Indian/Thai?
if they ask most of the time I say medium, so I don't seem like a complete wimp (even tho medium to them is still probably pathetic LOL), but I prefer mild, depending. I'm weird, I don't know why I care what strangers think, I usually don't LOL. It's not that I don't like the heat, I just think you can (or I can anyway) taste and enjoy all of the different flavors more, as opposed to just tasting spice/heat, if it's only mild-medium spicy. I do like some spice though.

24. Can I get you a drink?
water, please

25. Red or White Wine?
I like both, but I'm a red wino

26. Favorite dessert?
cupcakes, gelato, sorbet, plain/tart frozen yogurt topped with tons of fruit (sometimes a little mochi), the ocassional creme brulee, lemon cookies, vegan cookies (any kind as long as they include chocolate chips), strawberry cake, chocolate lava cake souffles, berries zabione, beignets with dipping sauces. I LOVE DESSERT

27. The perfect nightcap?
scotch, straight up, a vodka soda with 2 limes, wine, or a dark beer (preferably negra modelo with 1-2 limes).

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