Wednesday, September 16, 2009

September 15

September 15
-pumpkin oat bran (accidentally used honey pb this time instead of maple, not quite as good, but still delish)

-iced tea

-grilled chicken sandwich (I ate it open-faced even tho it came with 2 slices of the BEST. BREAD. EVER.)
-side of pasta salad

It also came with a small side salad, but I was too full.

I had packed a pb&j wrap, light yogurt, & orange for lunch, but my Mom decided to go to Chocolate Angel (a cute cafe/bakery) for herself. I remembered my aunt saying they had the best grilled chicken sandwich EVER, so I decided to try it (I've only tried their tea sandwich trio, which is also tasty). Thought at first bite? BEST GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH EVER :). I realized it was because of the bread (slightly sweet, nice compliment to the chicken without being dessert-sweet). Yum.

On our way there we got a flat tire. Boo. Luckily we were right by the office and my Dad didn't have a patient for another hour, so he rescued us so fast that our food hadn't even cooked by the time he came to pick us up. Plus, there was a small repair shop across the street we could drive to and get it taken care of within a couple hours. We found out something really scary, though. Remember how I said my Mom and I went to a musical about 2 Friday's ago? I forget if I mentioned it, but we heard a shatter while driving home and the next morning realized it was our hatchback window. There was a little hole, which we thought was weird, but decided was maybe a rock (altho we didn't know how at that angle) or perhaps a bebe gun, but the tire guy is pretty sure that it was an actual gun. What the fuck? He thinks someone was probably laying down on the grass on the side of the road just waiting to shoot someone randomly. WHO DOES THAT? Thank GOD we weren't hurt, but it's VERY unnerving. I don't get it. I already have enough issues with worrying about death (of myself and loved ones) all the time that's completely unfounded. I don't need real reasons to think of things like that! :-\

-2 hard shell tacos made with lean ground turkey, a dollop of guac, a dollop of light sour cream, a dollop of salsa, and a little bit of all natural cheese
-half of a leinie summer shandy beer (I got a headache, so poured the rest out)

I almost went back for a third taco, like I dished out to everyone else, but after I let this digest a lil I was glad I didn't.

-liter of water
-small glass of organic skim milk
-the pb&j wrap I had made for lunch (really good--used high fiber wrap, honey pb, and all natural mixed-fruit spread..I'll have to let you know more about the spread sometime, it's good stuff. A lot of sugar, but only 35 cals and made w/ lots of superfoods)

-small carrot cake cupcake (got it at the same place we had lunch. really good)

Celebrating the winner of Big Brother :). Which I got to watch on my new tv!!!! 37 inches, baby. Love it. It was delivered at the perfffect time. It's only so-so quality at the moment, though it looked great at the store when I saw it on display, so I think I need to get an HD cable or something. I still have faith in it. It's gorg. Almost too big, but this is Texas, the bigger the better, right? :)

Not enough (or practically any) fruits/veggies today, but pretty good ratios of protein/carbs/fat. It seems like the oat bran is working for me. While I do get hungry soon-ish after, I don't find myself eating all nite, my biggest problem. I'll try to keep going with it and see if the pattern continues :).


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