Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 5

December 5

-sole made with olive oil, a smidge of butter, lemon juice, and old bay
-roasted potatoes with olive oil and old bay dipped in light ranch and ketchup
-about 5 oz of fresh grapefruit juice mixed with sparkling water

the fish got all broken up in the pan, but it still tasted pretty good

While the potatoes cooked I went on the treadmill, so about 12 min and a lil over half a mile. I was barefoot, so I went slow, but I was on an incline. It just goes to show how much we (or myself anyway) depend on technology, or at least some form of constant entertainment. In just those 12 minutes without a phone or tv on or someone else to talk to I was dying of boredom. The first 1-2 minutes I was singing aloud and having fun, but then I started running out of ideas of what to sing and just felt bored LOL. Pathetic. I guess I don't keep very good company for myself :-P. I tried!

-juice box
-kind bar

Must replenish my emergency bar purse stash lol. Luckily my Mom gave me this one yesterday. Does anyone know where they sell kind bars besides Starbucks? I think I've said this before, but it could get awfully expensive to pay $2 for a bar every day, which seems to be the rate I eat them...I wonder if Sam's Club sells them in bulk? That'd be awesome. I just checked their own website and the biggest discount they can give, even if you buy almost $90 worth, is $1.79/bar? Yikes. How is that a discount?? I'd rather save shipping and waiting and just pay the $2 at sbux. *sigh*

-small root beer
-1 handful of movie popcorn (no salt or butter)

For some reason I was craving a coke, but said root beer. Ah well, it was still good. Duh.

My parents and brother had to be interviewed for a lil video that's going to be on the website of the nonprofit my brother is training with. After that was finished with, my whole fam and I saw Brothers and then went to Boston Pizza for a late dinner. What a sad movie, but it was well done. Love me some Natalie Portman. I'm probably in the minority, but I'm not a huge fan of Tobey Maguire or Jake Gyllenhaal, not my kind of eye candy, but they both did great too. They really do look like brothers too, I've always thought that.

-half of a small gluten free florentine pizza (sundried tomatoes, fresh basil, artichoke hearts) (DELICIOUS)
-big glass of water

After I took that pic my iPhone died (as in literally died, not just ran out of battery), but I brought it back to life semi-shortly after. Phew. I don't think I could live without it!!

After midnite I got back on the treadmill. Yep, my timing is great lately lol. I was just going to go for 20-25 minutes, but you know me, I never listen to myself ;). I went slow, of course, especially given the hour I didn't wanna rile myself up. I kept the incline up from earlier though. Not tooo high, but something. I went for 43 minutes. Got in about 2.5 miles for the day, close enough to my goal of 3 I guesssss :-P.

Then, I went through all the tupperware in the kitchen. Not a small task, lemme tell you, and threw away any that had any bite marks (from the dogs lol) or no lids. So basically over 50% of it lol. I did a lot of squatting, as it's all located in the bottom drawers under the stove, so it kinda counts as more exercise, right? LOL

-more waterrrr

Now I feel all gross and dirty from cleaning, gotta take a second shower and get tired. I was up 'til almost SEVEN am before I slept yesterday. RIDIC.


P.S. the cutest lil red sox fan in the world wants to say 'nite 'nite too (you can't tell, but it's a red sox jersey lol)

Ciao Bellas.

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