Saturday, March 20, 2010

Did YOU wear green?

March 17

St. Patrick's Daaaay.

My New Balances came today!!! Unfortunately, they're too big. Ugh. I think the wider width will be more comfy, but I KNEW I needed an 8, not 8.5 like the "expert" told me. I should have made her let me try the 8's on, even though she insisted I wouldn't have enough room. Ugh, back they go too. Let's just hope the 8's are perfection, because I really do like them a lot. The inserts have to go back for good, as they are sold out in 8, but that's fine. Actually, I think I read they're best for normal-high arch feet, and I'm pretty sure I have low arches, so it's prob for the best. *fingers crossed* on the 8's, though.

I bought some of those new, overpriced inserts from Dr. Scholl's. Have you seen the commercials? At Walmart (or whatever location is closest to you), they have this machine where you step on it and it examines your feet and tells you your perfect inserts based on the amount of pressure you put on your feet + your arches. Pretty cool if it works. I just don't see how the same insert will fit a man as a woman or someone w/ big feet vs small and anywhere in between, but we shall see.

-chocolate egg bite

While waiting for my lunch next door, I popped in one of my usual boutiques and they had a basket of chocolate eggs at the counter. Nom.

-grilled chicken sandwich (thought half would fill be up, but alas..)
-side pasta salad
-side salad w/ balsamic
-iced tea

-1 almond & white chocolate cake ball
-1 bite vanilla cupcake
-tons of water

I also got a chocolate ball, but I don't know if I picked the wrong one or the lady gave me the wrong one, but I ended up w/ a chocolate mint instead of plain choc. Blah. Gave it to my brother when I got home. Besides the occassional thin mint or a chocolate covered after dinner mint, I'm not a big fan of the combo.

-miller lite
-spinach salad (spinach, sunflower seeds, diced tomato, cut up hard boiled egg, mushroom, ranch drizzle)
-veggie cheeseburger with only 1/2 the bun plus lettuce, tomato, pickle, and mustard
-giant glass of glenlivet scotch on the rocks (couldn't believe the amount they served lol)

so good

OK obviously I'm not a vegetarian, but wouldn't you think someone who orders a salad + veggie burger likely was? Because the waitress didn't ask what dressing I'd like w/ the salad (and the menu doesn't specify) and just brought out a BACON dressing. Whattt? I hate bacon. At least it was on the side. Phew.

-skinny cow vanilla caramel ice cream cone

I can't make nail polish stay nice looking for more than a few hours LOL

I wanted two, but refrained LOL.

-the leftover caramel popcorn out of my cheese/caramel popcorn mix that's old lol aka like...5 pieces

I'm feeling really heavy lately. Must start eating much better and lighter. It's starting to really bother me. I don't think I necessarily look it or have gained weight or anything, I just don't feel great (in terms of how I feel and look).

Also, I remember taking photos today, but they aren't in my iPhoto library or on my camera memory cord. Very strange, but I can assure you, green was worn. No being pinched for me!


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