Wasn't able to workout, because I had to take my dog to the groomers and didn't have time to do both, but my brother didn't clean our office this Sunday like he usually does, so I asked him if I cleaned it if I could have his weekly $$ for doing so and he agreed. Nice. So I def burned calories doing that. Cleaning sucks! Money good! :)
-veggie egg white flatbread
-medium hot coffee w/ a splash of organic skim + english toffee liquid stevia (yay free dunkin's again)

Some of the coffee spilled on me and burned me. OWWW. Lawsuit! JK. But OWWW.
-the last 1/3 of the delicious guava Kombucha

-small strawberry banana frulatti smoothie with added protein powder (the powder made it sooo gross, which sucks 'cause I was really looking forward to it)

-leftovers from yesterday's breakfast
-side salad w/ balsamic

-bbq pop chips (probably 2 servings, oops)

-venti vanilla roobibos tea

-sparkling blush wine
-crab legs
-1/2 a piece of crab-stuffed tilapia
-mashed sweet potatoes
-mashed potatoes

Such a good dinner. I win at food life.
I am not even kidding, Target has the BEST crab legs. So meaty.
-like 3 bites of peach cobbler w/ banana gelato
-like 3 bites of buttermilk pie

-strawberries with a dollop of lemon liberte & a sprinkle of granola

The office driving me to drink....

LOL, ughh STRESS. (No I didn't drink it all in one nite :-P)
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