Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy Doggiversary/The Magic Time Machine

January 30

Happy Doggiversary to my dog, Buster. Today marks 3 wonderful years since we got him. Yay.

-leftover baked potato with light ranch & black pepper

I set my leftover steak half on the back of the stove while I nuked the baked potato. Didn't want to overcook the steak (I like my cow still mooing), so I was going to put it in at the last minute. I very briefly left the room. Came back and was soon wrestling with our (large) dog over the container, which was now on the floor. I lost. Dammit.

-1 mini chocolate chip cookie dough ball (aka the one made out of the very last of the dough, so it didn't make quite a full sized ball, which meant I had to eat it right then and there. Just to test them out. Am I right?)

Am I on an Averie food making kick this week or what? This time it was her balls ;). I'm always reluctant to use the food processer, as I never had much luck figuring one out in the past, but the new one I got a couple months ago kinda kicks ass. I forgot I used most of the chocolate chips in last nite's hot chocolate escapade, so I used a combo of white and milk chocolate. Which, lately, I tend to do anyway. That's just how I roll. (FYI: no pun was intended, until I totally realized ball...roll. That's pretty punny. I know, I'm bad. But I happen to like it thankyouverymuch).

-2 more cookie dough balls

Now time for a...

*sad face*

Up until, oh midnite? 1 am? Our business meeting was still scheduled for my pick, Houston's. Then I came to find we were going to Magic Time Machine instead. Now, don't get me wrong. I usually love that place. It's very kitschy. Waiters and waitresses dress up in costume and act in character all nite. Basically, it's year-round Halloween. And the one trip you get to take to the salad bar (that is inside of an old car) is more or less phenom (cheeeeese crackers *droool*). But other than that? Pretty mediocre food. They do have this fun platter called the Roman Orgy, with all kinds of fruits, veggies, and meats. But you technically have to have 4 people order it (they'll always do it for 3, though). I'll just focus on the drinkies. Even they aren't anything too special taste-wise, but they're passable and fun. I always go for the magic bubbling potion. It's pretty much just a fruit punch of sorts (I get mine with rum. They also do it with vodka, tequila, and I think one more thing? or you can get it sans alchy), and they put dry ice at the bottom, so it's all steamy and bubbly. The other thing is, it doesn't seem very business atmosphere-y. Granted, it's a super small business meeting, but still. Usually we go to quiet, fancier places. Y'know, the usual places business often takes place when food is involved.

-salad piled high with veggies, lots of cheese crackers, & a little ranch
-2 rum potions
-a small apple, a wedge of honey dew melon, a small piece of bread w/ honey butter, veggies, roasted potatoes, one small bite of chicken, about 1 rib (if that. & no sauce), 2 or 3 bites of brisket (too fatty)

I'm not very fond of how I look in this pic, but my shirt is qt (Anthropologie Strewn Leaves). Although you can't tell how unique the neckline is in the pic. And the back has an exposed zipper that's kinda fun. I was wearing a diff shirt that everyone liked more, but it was hurting my stomach (of course...what isn't?) because it had a tight band around the waist. *sigh*

Oh, and it was crazy, but cool. They had a photographer who took our pic (and then charged us $10 to buy it, natch. You obviously don't have to buy a copy, but we did, but that's not my point...). Anyway, she quickly went in the back and messed around with photoshop and put my head on my mom's body and vice versa, and Larry's head on my Dad's body and vice versa. It was crazy! Larry didn't recognize any of us and thought they gave us the wrong table's photo at first hahaha. I stupidly left my real camera at home, but I tried to take a pic of the pic on my iPhone. It was too dark in there, but you can kiiinda tell.

Yeah, I should never cut my hair. LOL. HAHAHA @ how they gave my Mom my dark hair, but kept her light bangs. Oops.

So food-wise we went with the Roman Orgy after all. I was glad, so I could mostly eat fruit and vegetables, as my stomach still sucks. And I still have a stomachache and a headache *pout* The waiter never brought me my water, so I felt pretty dehydrated too. For my second punch I kind of wanted the non-alcoholic version, but when the waiter asked if I wanted another I said sure and he was gone before I could say anything else.

And as I suspected, besides the salad + drink, the food was pretty sub par. We had to wait almost an hour and a half for a table too. *shakes head* I guess you go more for the atmosphere than the food. Our waiter was Joe Dirt btw, kinda random lol. He was really nice, but my first drink was empty for like 20 min before he noticed. OK, I'll stop complaining now.

One thing that is funny is when people ask where the bathroom is they do a "potty patrol" and a waiter or waitress takes the person (or persons) around the restaurant and they go "gotta go.." and they make the patrons yell "wee! wee!" over & over and they take them on a maze throughout the whole restaurant to embarrass them (in good fun). Then, when you come out of the bathroom they ask what color the soap was to ensure you washed your hands lol.

OK, last complaint and then I'll go. Promise. One thing that made me feel like a fatty was when we were making our salads, they always joke around, and another waitress (Tinker Bell, I think) was like "here's the salad are the directions...take a plate. fill with food. If you have any questions ask that girl, she's been here like 12 times." & I happened to be the one right next to her, so she pointed at me. Again, I know they do that to everyone who they can, they did it to Larry, our friend/business partner too when a different crowd was taken to the salad bar, but it still made me feel huge, even though you only get 1 trip to the salad bar anyway LOL. I know, I'm weird. Who cared if it was my 12th time? LOL. But whateverrrrrr. Maybe it was the fact that I piled up the cheese crackers to ridiculous portions and I was already feeling like that was a bad idea hehe. However, I ate every last bite and they were delicious. So there!


1 comment:

  1. I like the pink layout, it's festive and cute!

    The homemade hot chocolate topped with ricemellow cream, light whipped cream, and a tinnnnnny drizzle of agave that you made a few posts ago..OMG slurp! that looks soo good!

    And my cookie dough balls..yum. I also left you a comment re protein oats. You need to sweeten them more! Everything is better sweeter :)

    Glad you're rockin out my desserts, holler at me in my comments when you make something b.c I don't get pingbacks so I dont know otherwise :)
