Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 57

-finger sandwiches (350 cals?)

-tortilla soup (175 cals?)

-scone (150 cals?)

-fruit (50 cals?)

-ham & cheese sandwich (350 cals?)

-carrots and ranch (90 cals?)

-grapes (60 cals?)

-root beer zevia (0 cals)

-pb&j (350 cals?)

-grande iced americano w/ a splash of soy (35 cals?)

-cheese & cauliflower soup (175 cals?)

-3/4 glass milk (60 cals)

-pomegranate blueberry water (20 cals)

-water (not sure, gonna guess 60ish oz?)

tentative total: 1865 calories

What can I say? I really like soup and sandwiches lol.

I broke my little goal of not working out every day until my trip, but I was organizing my parents office all afternoon and then running errands and frankly I'm too tired. Wish I'd eaten a little better/less b/c of it, but c'est la vie. I'm still hungry to be honest. Ugh. I did weigh myself again this morning tho and I lost 2 of those lbs I gained, so that's a start. I just hope they don't come back tomorrow LOL. Stupid fluctations! I guess I'll write in "house cleaning" since office cleaning isn't an option on my iPod program, just so I don't have almost a 500 calorie (oops accidentally wrote lb first lol) overage for the day. :-P. Hey, I did clean! I actually spent 2.5 hrs doing it, but since I did take a few breaks + a lot of it wasn't too strenuous I'll put down 1.5 hrs. Seems fair lol. 

My dog is finally getting spayed on Friday and I'm sooo worried. I know it's a routine procedure, but she is my child and she's six. I hope she's OK. I'm leaving for my vacation on Tuesday morning, so I hope she's all recovered by then or else I'll feel like the shittiest person ever and have a hard time leaving. She has my brother and my parents, but still. I'm her Mom :(. I know it's for the best, but I still hate this....



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