Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Food and Exercise 11

-about a cup of cantalope and honey dew melon chunks (60 cals)

-other 1/2 of my omelete and potatoes from yesterday (150 cals?)

-water (well over 100 oz) (0 cals)

-spicy sweet chili doritoes (250 cals)

-2 small turkey and ham wraps (445 cals)

-so delicious dairy-free neopolitan mini ice cream sandwich (90 cals)

-about a cup of pineapple (70 cals)

-pomegranate green tea (0 cals)

-organic strawberries, 1/8 cup organic tropical granola, plain ff greek yogurt, cinnamon (125 cals)

total= 1190 calories

Why yes, I do love fruit. LOL :). 

 omelet--veggies fell out on the side lol)

I kinda overstuffed them lolsquish!

It still amazes me how much you can eat at home and you actually feel good after you eat. I know that sounds like common

sense/second nature to most people, but again, as a (former?) restaurant whore it's still news to me! Forgive me if I sound like a broken record for awhile lol. I'm used to eating pretty healthy, but always feeling horrible after I ate. That still happens sometimes, but far less.

I went to Subway tonite for dinner, but they were out of the wraps. WTF? The bread I can sorta understand since it's freshly made or w/e, but I'm sure the wraps come prepackaged. I wonder why they couldn't just open a new one in the back? I was pretty frustrated b/c I'd been craving it all day. Instead of going to quiznos across the street (where I know the calories are pretty much through the roof) or another Subway, I just went to the grocery store and bought all of the ingredients to make my own. I didn't think it'd be as good since I feel like I never know the right ratios of what to put in sandwiches (or salads..), but it was better. SO good. AND because my wraps were small I got to eat TWO for only 100 (delicious) calories more than the Subway would have been. Woohoo. Plus I know my meat had no nitrites or other yucky, unncessary preservatives, my veggies were fresh, etc. SO THERE! 

I'm eating the yogurt bowl right now and it's almost 1 am, but I have a good 3 or so hours of studying ahead of me (bleh) and I'm hungry. You're supposed to eat when you're hungry, so...I am :). 

For exercise I took my dogs on a 40 minute jog/walk. Mostly walk. Once again it's CRAZY windy, so that upped the effort a little bit. Still haven't made it to the gym for weight machines, though :(. This is gonna be a semi-busy week, but I want to go by the weekend for sure. Sooner would be a bonus. Until then I'm gonna squeeze in any exercise I can.



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