Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Food and (no) Exercise 31

Looks amazing, tasted mediocre/borderline blah for some dishes. No fair!

-Buffalo Flavored Pretzel Crisps (110 cals)

-PF Changs leftovers (600 cals?)

-Splash of Sunny Delite with Lime Seltzer (15 cals)

-Chocolate Vitamuffin top (100 cals)

-McDonald's Vanilla Cone (150 cals)

-Metamucil (45 cals, tho I think most of it sank to the bottom even after being stirred)

-Instant Mashed Potatoes (100 cals)

-A few bites of baked chicken (80 cals)

-Water (0 cals)

tentative total: 1200 cals

I felt like crap AGAIN. Acid Reflux and such. BLAH. I was so excited to make my veggie chili too, but didn't want to risk eating such a heavy, acidic meal. I don't know if it's the medicine, lack of sleep, just a coincidence, or what. :(. 

After feeling sick I really wanted broccoli cheese soup, but we went to the regular grocery store today, not a health food store, and they only had kinds chock-full of preservatives and I couldn't think of a restaurant within a reasonable distance that had any. I settled on a McDonald's vanilla cone. That always seems to help settle my stomach for some reason. I always read articles stating that dairy is the last thing your body needs when you have a gastrointestinal problem, but I swear it's the only thing my body craves and/or feels soothed by. All I know is any food I saw or thought about that was full of sodium/salt I felt sick to my stomach, so I knew to stay away from anything processed or made with a lot of salt. My Mom bought one of those pre-made chickens and some yucky preservative-filled side dishes, so I just had a sample of the chicken and made my own instant mashed potatoes (OK, so those are processed, but they didn't contain fillers). Not the healthiest, but bland and easy. 

I freaking love this bowl. It's really small and really cute. <3

I think tomorrow after school I'll stop by the mall for one of those asian acupressure chair massages. They really seem to work the same way my old chiropractor did all for a grand total of $15 or so. 

I only slept 6 measly hours last nite and took about an hour nap this afternoon. I always have trouble falling asleep on Sunday nites, hopefully history won't repeat itself tonite. I still have a little homework to do and I'm in the process of making a sandwich for tomorrow, but none of that should take terribly long, so unless I get insomnia I hope I'll be good to go. I just can't let Youtube suck me in as usual :-P.

No real exercise, but I did play Rock Band 2 for awhile, which I think counts for something. That shit's hard, man! Takes a lot outta a person :).



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